BizScore is the industry leader in medical practice and business valuations, and is a division of Physician Solutions.
A BizScore Practice Valuation provides comprehensive reports that detail both the current and projected value of your practice. Our valuation report utilizes over a dozen valuation methodologies, industry analysis, demographic studies, plus a nationwide comparison of businesses sold in the same industry. With BizScore, you will receive three detailed sections in your printed report: Performance Reviews, Valuation Reports, and Practice Projections. Our valuations are used in acquiring bank financing, loans, tax settlements, practice sales, partner buy-in or buy-out, legal matters, and even simply to ease curiosity about what your practice is worth.
Nothing can cost more than not knowing the market value of your practice. Contact us today. Elizabeth Prout and her team can be contacted at or 919-845-0054 ext. 101.
BizScore and Practice Sales Team
Elizabeth Prout - President, Nancy Gilbert - Marketing, Alexis Tucker - Accounting